Today I am thankful..
- for calls.
- for sisig
- for my bff who went with me to go to church for a visit.
- being happy
- for worry. Because without it I would never learn what optimism is.
- for Joel Osteen
- for friends who pray for my success.
- that I am learning to trust in God's ways.
- that I came to realize that I am God's favorite.
- that I have learned...Faith=confident expectancy
- that I am learning to expect only the best.
- that what I expect, what I create in my mind is what I get.
- that the waiting is almost over!
I am not bound or limited by anything that was ever done or said to me. I face the day with self-confidence and a sense of expectancy, knowing that I am really a fortunate person with many reasons to be grateful. ~Walk in Dry Places'
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